Blinds in Kyiv. See what objects have been made by our masters since 2001

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Blinds and accessories from the manufacturer in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk company provides "Jaluzi-service". Our company provides a full range of services when you order blinds or shutters: departure of the expert on the house with samples of materials, measuring Windows, doors and other openings, fabrication of selected models of blinds, installation of the finished product, but also guarantees trouble-free operation. All this in a short time agreed with the customer. Company "Jaluzi-service" offers all the sun protection system known in the Ukrainian market, as well as protective blinds or shutters (internal and external), roll garage door, shutters made of perforated profile, roll-up door, used in fencing. What are the modern sun system? Despite the variety of blinds and shutters, they can be divided into several types: horizontal and vertical blinds, roller blinds, Roman blinds. Horizontal blinds differ in the width of the slats, color, material of the slats and method of attachment. For example, horizontal blinds are elegant and Venus differ in the method of attachment and are used mostly metal-plastic window with swivel systems of ventilation, besides, blinds are elegant and even different design that provides a closed ceiling mounting holes in the slats. Vertical blinds are also very diverse due to the different width of the slats and a large variety of fabrics for the manufacture of the slats. Occupy a special place in the application fabric blinds. Using slats of different colors and sizes, the designers create unique patterns or drawings, making vertical blinds a real masterpiece. blinds are most prevalent fabric shutters of different colors and are made of fabrics of different textures. The most original look of roller blinds Day-Night are double-cloth unusual fabrics, which is divided into a uniform horizontal transparent and opaque stripes. Even blinds made from bamboo and jute canvas. Roman blinds design is not similar to any other blinds. In dense tissue at equal intervals horizontally sewed rigid rods that when you pick up the blinds provide education equal to the soft folds. Roman blinds look very stylish and are quite popular. Protective accessories on Windows and doors, garage doors, rolling grilles are made from various aluminium or steel profiles, which differ in the method of production (rolling, extrusion), content, hardness and thickness. Photo blinds and shutters on our website will give the opportunity not only to learn about specific models, but will tell you what types of blinds or shutters to use in certain interiors. The price of blinds and roller shutters can be easily calculated by using online calculator on the website, we need only specify the model, size and material for production.

Choose blinds in Kyiv with delivery across Ukraine

Fabric blinds Fabric blinds

product cost
from 373 uah Need an installation?
+150-200 грн/шт.

More details
Roman blinds Roman blinds

The most modern solution for window decor in stylish design interiors. The product is sewn from fabrics from our collection or from the client’s fabric. It is possible to print any image or pattern.

product cost
from 534 uah Need an installation?
+150-200 грн/шт.

More details
In-built roller shutters In-built roller shutters

Protective shutters from durable Polish Aluprof profiles

product cost
from 2600 uah Need an installation?
From 1000 грн/шт.

More details
Blinds pleated (corrugated) Blinds pleated (corrugated)

The system of corrugated polyester fabrics allows you to make products of any shape and for any windows. They are also universal assembly, they can go down, up or to the center, at the same time.

product cost
from 1423 uah Need an installation?
+150-200 грн/шт.

More details
Horizontal blinds Horizontal blinds

product cost
from 329 грн Need an installation?
+150-200 грн/шт.

More details
Vertical blinds Vertical blinds

The classic option for office training and other workrooms. Blinds are made with a slat width of 89mm and 127mm. Narrow lamellas are better for small windows, and wide for large ones.

cтоимость м.кв.
from 359 uah Need an installation?
+200-250 грн/шт.

More details
What customers say about our work
What customers say about our work

Customers are ready
to recommend us

How do custom-made products differ from cheap, ready-made analogues?

As a manufacturing company, we give maximum quality products at the best price. You get a product that takes into account individual needs with a guarantee and after-sales service.

Our production
Our production

The products of our company fully comply with the DSTU standards


Comparison of analogues, including
the number of Chinese products

  • Customized Product Size

  • Our products take into account the size and features of windows up to mm.

  • Finished products completely
    do not block the window

  • Choice of color and materials

  • You can choose more than 1000 colors and materials for the product.

  • Limited choice of color and type
    of materials for finished products

  • Material quality

  • Materials do not fade over time, and European mechanisms last 20 years

  • Cheap materials quickly burn out, and the service life of the mechanisms does not exceed 3 years

  • Installation and support

  • Online support help
    and installation services

  • Lack of online support and the ability to leave feedback about the work of employees

  • Warranty and after-sales service

  • 12 months warranty and after-sales service for all products

  • Conditional warranty, lack of after-sales service

Our advantages
12 months warranty

One year warranty and after-sales service for all products

Convenient work schedule

Masters arrive at a convenient time for you and the day of the week

DSTU standards

All our products comply with DSTU standards

Cleaning after work

After finishing work, the craftsmen clean everything after themselves.

Our blinds in the interior All photos in the interior
They trust us
МеталлистНаціональна Філармонія України
Our projects
School office
School office
  • Number of items: 2
  • Manufacturing: 5 days
  • Client: School
  • Location: Kiev
Roman curtains in the office
Roman curtains in the office
  • Number of items: 17
  • Manufacturing: 5 days
  • Client: Office center
  • Location: Kiev
Metalist Stadium and Training Base
Metalist Stadium and Training Base
  • Number of items: 78
  • Manufacturing: 6 days
  • Client: DCH
  • Location: Kharkiv
See all projects
How we are working


Ярославський провулок, 7/9, оф. 2, Kyiv

4.8 66 reviews

  • Avatar Светлана Тищенко ★★★★★ 2 місяці тому
    Замовляла жалюзі Венус, ламель 16 мм в ,,Жалюзі Сервіс'' Харків. Дуже задоволена результатом. В мене сонячна сторона, без притинення ніяк. Вийшло затишно, стильно. Дякую за якісну роботу, монтаж, гнучкість цінової політики. Пропоную … More всім співпрацю з Жалюзі Сервіс''.
  • Avatar Ирина Данилина ★★★★★ 3 місяці тому
    Щиро дякую професіоналам своєї справи. Особливо хочу подякувати Виталию, який надав всю інформацію про жалюзі і підібрав саме те, що я хотіла. Організація роботи на високому рівні Успіхів Вам.
  • Avatar Надя Цыпленко ★★★★★ 4 місяці тому
    Встановлювала комбіновону версію, день ніч і однотоні рулонні штори. Вийшло дуже гарно, свою функцію виконають на 100%. Окрема подяка майстру Роману, ретельно як для себе встановив та пояснив всі деталі. Цінова політика для всіх різна, … More все можливо підібрати з розрахунком до ваших потреб та гаманця. Рекомендую!!!
    Слава Україні💛🩵
  • Avatar Svitlana Kovalenko ★★★★★ 8 місяців тому
    Результатом співпраці цілком задоволені.
    Оперативно через вайбер отримали попередню вартість, потім приїхав майстер Роман зі зразками, зробив заміри і точний прорахунок.
    Монтаж виконувався приблизно 1,5-2 години, майстер після себе залишив
    … More чистоту.
    Виробництво разом з монтажем зайняло 9 робочих днів.
    Дуже дякуємо!:)
    За потреби будемо звертатись ще.
  • Avatar Oksana Pavlova ★★★★★ 9 місяців тому
    Я задоволена. Дуже гарні бамбукові ролети в мене тепер від цієї компанії. Зробили швидше, ніж обіцяли, гарно і якісно. Встановили акуратно і також швидко. Прибрали за собою.

Contacts and local offices
120 Ak. Pavlova str, Off 13 Show on the map
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+38 (050) 308 85 22

+38 (067) 560 72 00

0 800 334 946 (free)

+38 (057) 715 11 09

7-A, Szeged str, off. 28 Show on the map
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+38 (050) 308 85 22

+38 (067) 560 72 00

0 800 334 946 (free)

+38 (048) 775 00 23

8-a, Stromtsova str. Show on the map
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+38 (050) 308 85 22

+38 (067) 560 72 00

0 800 334 946 (free)

+38 (056) 736 02 76

Пр. Соборний 160 оф. 325 Show on the map
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+38 (050) 308 85 22

+38 (067) 560 72 00

0 800 334 946 (free)

3, Mikoly Voronogo str. Show on the map
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+38 (050) 308 85 22

+38 (067) 560 72 00

0 800 334 946 (free)

16, Kyivska str. Show on the map
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+38 (050) 308 85 22

+38 (067) 560 72 00

0 800 334 946 (free)

7/9 Yaroslavskiy lane, Of. 2 Show on the map
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+38 (050) 308 85 22

+38 (067) 560 72 00

0 800 334 946 (free)

+38 (044) 209 10 43

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Free measurer call includes:
Masters with experience of 5 years
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Visit at a convenient time
Accurate cost calculation
Brings all catalogs
Making a contract on the spot
Expert help with the choice
Available to visit outside business hours
*Free measurement subject to ordering products. The cost of measurement, without an order within the city - 150 UAH
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