About us

The company “Zhalyuzi-Service” is engaged in the manufacture, sale and installation of various types of sun-protection structures. In addition to blinds and roller shutters, you can purchase mosquito nets and various types of curtains from us. Thanks to our own production, we provide high quality products and give a guarantee for their use.

The activity of our company, like many others in the 90s, began with a bazaar. And already in 2001 we opened our own production. This allowed us to develop a client base in Kharkov and open a dealer network. Since 2009, thanks to the expansion of the company, we have covered the entire Ukrainian market. Today we deliver and install products not only in large cities, but also in remote settlements, having dealers throughout Ukraine.

The company “Zhalyuzi-Service” strives to provide high-quality and affordable sun-protection systems to all residents of our country, from a small village to a big city. We value our employees very much, because we are confident that a satisfied employee gives a good result. At the end of the year, according to the results of work, the best employee is selected, who receives a vacation abroad for the whole family, paid by the company. Decent salary, corporate spirit and good working conditions motivate our employees to improve their professionalism and quality of work.

High production rates are achieved thanks to high-quality and modern equipment, the cost of which is $ 550 thousand. Since we ourselves import fabrics and accessories, we can be sure of their quality. All products manufactured by Zhalyuzi-Service fully comply with all DSTU standards.

Among our major clients are the following: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the airport in Kharkov, the Zhulyany airport, the Metallist stadium, Privat Bank and many others.

Company details:

МФО 351533

ЕДРПОУ 2583301118

счет UA353515330000026002052209575 ФЛП Иевлев В.В.

счет открыт в КП «ПриватБанк»
